Good evening !

I amSaif Ur Rehman.

A MERN Stack Dev

🚀 A passionate Software Developer based in Faislabad, Pakistan.

⚡ Exploring opportunities and side projects.

💻 My main tech stack currently is MERN in combination with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript.

⚡ About Me

Hey there! I'm Saif Ur Rehman, and I've been fascinated by computers since I was young.

Now, I'm a third-year BSc Computer Science student at GC University, Faisalabad, I'm diving deep into the world of technology. With a year of experience in web development, especially with the MERN stack, I'm passionate about crafting impactful digital solutions. My drive pushes me to make meaningful contributions to the field, constantly refining my skills along the way.

When i am not coding, you'll find me gaming with friends, binge-watching a Netflix shows, or shooting hoops on the basketball🏀 court when the weather's nice. Let's join forces to shape a brighter future in technology together! 🚀

💻All Creative Works.

Here's some of my projects that I have worked on.

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Gorie Furniture UK

Gorie Furniture UK

A full-stack e-commerce platform for Gorie Furniture UK. The site has a user-friendly interface and an admin dashboard, enabling the team to approve reviews, manage products, and publish blogs.

Built Using : Next js,Node Js, MongoDB , REST API ,Tailwind Css, Framer Motion , ShadCn UI



CareerSync is a dynamic job platform with NextAuth authentication, empowering users to create accounts, search for jobs in their field using various filters, and seamlessly apply for positions.

Built Using : Next Js,Tailwind Css,MongoDB Atlas,NextAuth Authentication,css

Budget Buddy

Budget Buddy

Budget Buddy is a budget tracking application develop to help users manage their finances efficiently. The app features a user-friendly interface with secure login functionality, enabling users to track their income, expenses, and savings seamlessly.

Built Using : Next js, Tailwind Css , Clerk Js , MongoDB Atlas

Janie Furnitures

Janie Furnitures

Janie Furniture is an online store featuring a wide selection of home furnishings and has an admin panel where the admin can manage product listings, update details, and oversee orders.

Built Using : Next Js, ShadCN, Tailwind Css, Framer Motion, MongoDB Atlas, Node js, Resend, Uploadthing

🚀Keep In Touch.

My inbox is always open.Whether you have a question or just talk more about your projects! Feel free to mail me about any relevent job updates.

The new portfolio website of Saif Ur Rehman is live! Visit it now by clicking the button.